Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fooled by Mother Nature

4:00 pm It is still snowing. I guess Old Man Winter is really back for a visit. I may make some snow cream tomorrow, but I will miss sharing it with Randi.

2:30 Pm March 1, 2009 Looks like a real snow for Central Virginia.
I'm going to quilt after checking on the bees with Ross and Pearl.

1:00 pm March 1, 2009
Laugh out loud! Mother Nature fooled me. We are making some "Comfort food." Home-made Chicken Pot Pie & "A-ha cake", for a big mid day dinner in case we loose power later on our bellies will be full. First we will stack wood on the back porch, build a fire in the fire place, fill all tea pitchers with water, start some laundry and check on the bees. Of coarse Pearl will assist with all of our snow preparations.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this weather, can you? we've been out, we've been in, then back out and in and get the picture. everyone has little red rosy chins and cheeks here. gonna be some tired puppies come dinner time--just like the pool in summer. ahhhh, summer!
